Ancient Paths 101
The Ancient Paths is the biblically-based, God-ordained path to walk in repentance by disciplining ourselves in a true discipleship process that starts with developing spiritual discipline, and approaching God in faith that he will transform us; thereby killing off the desire to continually walk in sin. This process activates the person of the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot on our own. Here is a brief explanation of what is going on by Tim Conway.
We recognize much of the church as forgotten how to teach and demonstrate this vital part of following Christ. It has largely exchanged the concept of rival in the heart of sinful man, to what was called in the 1700s “revivalism”, which unknowingly fosters a man-centered and man-orchestrated revival. Colonial pastors in the 1700s observed, understood, and preached about this phenomenon before the United States and Canada were sovereign nations. The rotten fruit of that philosophy is currently in full-bloom in the church, and is why the church has lost its voice towards its outreach with the Gospel, and specifically in killing sexual sin within the church.
On the Ancient Paths, we do not entertain psychology, or any other worldly idea. All answers come from Scripture, as accepted by the Reformers and Early Church to be the 66 books and letters that comprise the library of the Holy Bible.
The exercises of the Ancient Paths can be pursued among the fellowship of believers, or may by installed in local churches. We are developing the latter.
Once the brother has completed Exercises 1-8, he informs the Ancient Paths leadership that he is ready for the Ancient Paths 40-Day Jailbreak Challenge. On Slack, the brother is placed in the Jailbreak invitation-only channel, where he will walk for 40 days with other brothers in installing and conducting the spiritual disciplines from exercises 1-8. It is asynchronous, where there is no need for all the brothers to meet at a specific time– that would be far too unrealistic. Rather, they pray, share, and post emojis on the channel for accountability. Each emoji corresponds to a spiritual discipline. Remember the gold starts parents used after a child did their homework? Same idea, but in the context of other broken men that have led undisciplined lives, often in the context of local churches that have neither the courage or understanding to address the issue. If a brother needs more accountability, they ask for it: from other brothers, AP leaders, or even in their own household and church.
After the initial Jailbreak has concluded, they are eligible for the Advanced Jailbreak, which involves going through “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” and a Bible Study of Ephesians. Why Ephesians? Because it perfectly summarizes Romans, and if you understand Romans, you understand the Bible.
The entire discipleship process is meant to bring you closer to Christ and a love for Scripture. If it fails to do so, then that requires a deeper conversation on the understanding of the Gospel. But it is indicative you are (1) unwilling to separate from the world and (2) sin is preferred over the Kingdom of God and Christ. It is what it is: and it should serve as a grave flashing red light on your life, requiring radical amputation over the structure of your life. Having a complete understanding of Romans 1 is most helpful. We can help you do that.
Therefore go out from their midst,
2 Corinthians 6:17
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
What else do we offer?
Finding a Mentor
We accomplish that by a short interview, then match you up with a brother who is walking in freedom and progressive sanctification, based on your history and things you have in common.
Morning prayer with other brothers
Using the “Praying the Bible” technique from Exercise 6.
If you need more accountability, ask for it.
Church recommendations
1/2 the churches in North America do not have a biblical worldview. Many of the remaining churches don’t disciple. We can help you find a good church that does it right.