Brothers, some quick-hitters on self-examination.

 Be honest with God and yourself as you walk this path. Humility. I honestly believe one of the most important decisions I made, was to voluntarily step down from being a deacon, because I was convinced by Scripture I was not qualified. Even when my pastor at the time tried to persuade me not to. I never would have imagined God would do the miraculous to help me put this program together. Lesson: When you humble yourself before God, He will exalt you in due time, and He will flip your trash around for His glory. (Jas 4:10, 1 Pe 5:6)

 Stop looking for a spiritual slot-machine. This has to grieve God. So you are looking for deliverance? A quick out to end your misery? How about deliverance from lack of discipline? How about deliverance from the moronic teaching in the churches today? Please show me any mention in the Bible of a deliverance ministry apart from the local church. What did the Reformers say about it? The Puritans? The confessions of the church throughout the centuries? It’s not there. What did the pastors of the Roman churches write concerning how to deal with sexual sin? NOTHING! There is not one single work preserved from the early churches on how to deal with the most difficult sin, in a culture that made sexual immorality its religion. And that should be your biggest clue!

 Recognize the terrain you are walking on now.

  • you were lied to at worst, or taught incorrectly at best; either way, it was a distorted view that didn’t profit you– and most of the church is still deceived (praise God you are walking out of deception)
  • you were never practiced on how to interact with the God who created you
  • you now have the tools to crack open every single doctrine/teaching: use them
  • you have been introduced to some of the greatest teachers in the church; men who by their works and testimony– we can legitimately conclude they were gifted to the church by Christ (praise God for that– Eph 4:11-14)
  • Isa 58 is still your roadmap; do you feel lost?  Go back and read the map!
  • You are not being conformed to a manner in which YOU desire. You are not the potter; so be sensitive what God is doing to change you, because He is the first cause of everything, not you. (Gen 1:1).